Institutional Partnerships
Liverpool Institute for Risk and Uncertainty (LIRU)
LIRU is perhaps the largest multidisciplinary research center in Europe that connects research strengths, technologies and experts from such a broad mix of disciplines: architecture, engineering, environmental sciences, financial and actuarial mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering & electronics, economics and finance, social sciences and psychology.
Prof. Michael Beer was the Founding Director of LIRU from 2012 to 2015. Since 2015, with Prof. Beer taking up the lead of the Institute for Risk and Reliability at LUH, we work closely together with LIRU continuing and expanding our joint research and driving a wide range of joint international activities.
A key collaboration is the joint development of our general purpose software package COSSAN-X for uncertainty quantification. Our immediate joint research involves John Mottershead, Edoardo Patelli, Scott Ferson, Francisco Alejandro Diaz De la O, Athanasios Pantelous, John Lewis, Marco de Angelis, Jorge Hernandez and Siu Kui Au.

EPSRC and ESRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantification and Management of Risk & Uncertainty in Complex Systems & Environments

This CDT is funded as part of an overall investment of £350m by the Research Councils UK, representing a significant UK national commitment to new approaches to postgraduate research training. It is host for over 70 PhD students in 5 Cohorts. Substantial additional resources are provided to the CDT by the University of Liverpool and a wide range of 36 high profile industry partners, both local and international. The total funding of the CDT including university investment and in kind contributions from industrial and academic partners is about £21 Million.
This CDT is part of the Liverpool Institute for Risk and Uncertainty and our long-term collaboration with LIRU and the University of Liverpool. Prof. Michael Beer was its Founding Director and PI from 2014 to 2015. We are actively involved in the CDT through jointly supervising PhD students, co-organizing and conducting training events and arranging international activities as well as student exchange.
International Joint Research Center for Resilient Infrastructure (ICRI), Tongji University, Shanghai, China
ICRI has emerged as a natural development from international collaborative research on resilient infrastructure, which has shaped a powerful basis to attack our large-scale challenges together. ICRI provides a hub and a structure for our global collaborative research network on infrastructure resilience. Within ICRI we are addressing resilience of different types of infrastructures and facilities across various disciplines centered in and around engineering. Our aim is to develop systematically novel theories, approaches and technologies related to resilient infrastructure, to run and support academic exchange activities, review the research progress in the area, compile codes and standards, and cultivate a network of world-class talents in the area of infrastructure resilience.
This research center has been established in November 2022 with Professor Hongwei Huang as its Director and Professor Dongming Zhang as its Secretary. Its global dimension is reinforced by two international co-directors; Professor Bilal M. Ayyub, Director of the Center for Technology and Systems Management at the University of Maryland and Professor Michael Beer.
International Joint Research Center for Engineering Reliability and Stochastic Mechanics (CERSM), Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Leibniz University Hannover, through the Institute for Risk and Reliability, is one of the eight selected International Founding Partners of CERSM worldwide. CERSM has been established to bundle key expertise in its designated field and to drive developments jointly to new heights. We are actively collaborating with CERSM in research and organizational activities. In addition, CERSM is the host of our general purpose software package COSSAN-X for uncertainty quantification for Asia. We jointly develop specific features and provide training and support for the Asian region, in expanded collaboration with our COSSAN-partner LIRU at the University of Liverpool. Our immediate joint research involves Jie Li, Jianbing Chen, Yongbo Peng and Xiaodan Ren.
Shanghai Institute for Disaster Prevention and Relief (IDPR), Tongji University, Shanghai, China

The Institute for Risk and Uncertainty and IDPR have committed to a 5-year contract for collaboration in research and development. This research is particularly focused on the challenges of large-scale infrastructure development and maintenance, for which we develop solutions and expand them towards infrastructure resilience. We develop approaches for designing resilient urban transportation networks and lifeline networks based on performance and reliability of complex systems and networks. This research also involves extended collaboration with LIRU at the University of Liverpool. Our immediate joint research involves Jie Li, Jianbing Chen, Yongbo Peng, Wei Liu, Hongwei Huang and Dongming Zhang.