Wertschätzung unserer Forschung

Basierend auf den von Scopus bereitgestellten Publikationsdaten der derzeitigen Institutsmitglieder (Feb. 2025). Selbstzitate sind ebenso ausgeschlossen wie Zitate aller Koautoren.

Honours and Awards

  • Certificate of Appreciation, ASCE-ASME 2021

    Beer, M. (2021): Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of Distinguished Service to the Society as Founding Associate Editor of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

  • Best Paper Awards, APSSRA 2020
    © 2019 7th APSSRA

    Bittner, M.; Broggi, M.; Chen, J.B.; Beer, M. (2020): Reliability Estimation of Rare Events for Stochastic Dynamic Systems Excited by Stationary Stochastic Processes, APSSRA2020

    Faes, M.G.R.; Daub, M.; Beer, M. (2020) Engineering Analysis with Imprecise Probabilities: A State-of-the-Art Review on P-Boxes, APSSRA2020

    Kruse, S.; Patelli, E.; Beer, M. (2020) Bayesian Compressive Sensing Based Evolutionary Power Spectrum Estimation for Incomplete Process Records, APSSRA2020

  • Donald Julius Groen Prize by the Safety & Reliability Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers

    George-Williams, H.; Feng, G.; Coolen, F.P.A.; Beer, M.; Patelli, E. (2019): Extending the Survival Signature Paradigm to Complex Systems with Non-repairable Dependent Failures,  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 233(4), 505–519

  • Best Paper Award, ICAYS 2017

    Bi, S.; Beer, M. (2017): Experimental Modal Analysis and Model Identification of vibroacoustic Systems in Aerospace Engineering, International Conference in Aerospace for Young Scientists (ICAYS), Beijing

  • Certificate for Highly Cited Research in Structural Safety (2016)

    Beer, M.; Zhang, Y.; Quek, S. T.; Phoon, K. K. (2013): Reliability analysis with scarce information: Comparing alternative approaches in a geotechnical engineering context, Structural Safety; 41: 1—10.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2012.10.003

  • Best Paper Award, NAFEMS World Congress 2015

    Broggi, M.; Rocchetta, R.; Patelli, E. (2015): Efficient epistemic-aleatory uncertainty quantification application to the nafems challenge problem, NAFEMS World Congress 2015, San Diego, California

  • Outstanding Student Paper Award, IEEE SSCI 2013

    Comerford, L.; Kougioumtzoglou, I. A.; Beer, M. (2013): An artificial neural network based approach for power spectrum estimation and simulation of stochastic processes subject to missing data, 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Solutions (CIES)

  • Best Paper Award 2011, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics

    Broggi, M.; Calvi, A.; Schuëller, G. (2011): Reliability assessment of axially compressed composite cylindrical shells with random imperfections, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics; 11(2): 215—236.
    DOI: 10.1142/S0219455411004063

  • CADLM Intelligent Optimal Design Prize 2007

    Beer, M.; Liebscher, M. (2008): Designing robust structures - A nonlinear simulation based approach, Computers and Structures; 86(10): 1102—1122.

Selected Publications

  • Wei P., Song J., Bi S., Broggi M., Beer M., Lu Z., Yue Z. (2019): Non-intrusive stochastic analysis with parameterized imprecise probability models: II. Reliability and rare events analysis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; 126: 227—247. 69 Citations (Scopus)
  • Wei P., Song J., Bi S., Broggi M., Beer M., Lu Z., Yue Z. (2019): Non-intrusive stochastic analysis with parameterized imprecise probability models: I. Performance estimation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; 124: 349—368. 80 Citations (Scopus)
  • Faes M., Broggi M., Patelli E., Govers Y., Mottershead J., Beer M., Moens D. (2019): A multivariate interval approach for inverse uncertainty quantification with limited experimental data, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; 118: 534—548. 72 Citations (Scopus)
  • Zhang D.-M., Du F., Huang H., Zhang F., Ayyub B.M., Beer M. (2018): Resiliency assessment of urban rail transit networks: Shanghai metro as an example, Safety Science; 106: 230—243. 217 Citations (Scopus)
  • Zhang Y., Kim C.-W., Beer M., Dai H., Soares C.G. (2018): Modeling multivariate ocean data using asymmetric copulas, Coastal Engineering; 135: 91—111. 79  Citations (Scopus)
  • Rocchetta R., Broggi M., Huchet Q., Patelli E. (2018): On-line Bayesian model updating for structural health monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; 103: 174—195. 110 Citations (Scopus)
  • Feng, G.; Patelli, E.; Beer, M.; Coolen, F. P. (2016): Imprecise system reliability and component importance based on survival signature, Reliability Engineering & System Safety; 150: 116—125.  92 Citations (Scopus)
  • de Angelis, M.; Patelli, E.; Beer, M. (2015): Advanced Line Sampling for efficient robust reliability analysis, Structural Safety; 52: 170-182. 186 Citations (Scopus)
  • Zhang Y., Beer M., Quek S.T. (2015): Long-term performance assessment and design of offshore structures, Computers and Structures; 151: 101-115. 78 Citations (Scopus)
  • Beer, M.; Ferson, S.; Kreinovich, V. (2013): Imprecise probabilities in engineering analyses, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; 37 (1-2): 4-29. 437 Citations (Scopus)

  • Zhang H., Dai H., Beer M., Wang W. (2013): Structural reliability analysis on the basis of small samples: An interval quasi-Monte Carlo method, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; 37 (1-2): 137-151. 143 Citations (Scopus)
  • Beer, M.; Zhang, Y.; Quek, S. T.; Phoon, K. K. (2013): Reliability analysis with scarce information: Comparing alternative approaches in a geotechnical engineering context, Structural Safety; 41: 1-10. 127 Citations (Scopus)
  • Patelli E., Murat Panayirci H., Broggi M., Goller B., Beaurepaire P., Pradlwarter H.J., Schuëller G.I. (2012): General purpose software for efficient uncertainty management of large finite element models, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design; 47 (7): 739-752. 84 Citations (Scopus)
  • Goller, B.; Broggi, M.; Calvi, A.; Schuëller, G. (2011): A stochastic model updating technique for complex aerospace structures, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design; 47 (7): 739-752. 92 Citations (Scopus)

  • Möller, B.; Beer, M. (2008): Engineering computation under uncertainty - Capabilities of non-traditional models, Computers and Structures; 86 (10): 1024-1041. 262 Citations (Scopus)

  • Spanos, P. D.; Beer, M.; Red-Horse, J. (2007): Karhunen–Loéve Expansion of Stochastic Processes with a Modified Exponential Covariance Kernel, Journal of Engineering Mechanics; 133 (7): 773—779. 133 Citations (Scopus)
  • Möller, B.; Graf W.; Beer, M. (2003): Safety assessment of structures in view of fuzzy randomness, Computers and Structures 81 (15): 1567-1582. 173 Citations (Scopus)
  • Möller, B.; Graf W.; Beer, M. (2000): Fuzzy structural analysis using α-level optimization, Computational Mechanics 26 (6): 547-565. 311 Citations (Scopus)

Citation Count provided by Scopus (May 2024)