Publications of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Beer (FIS)

Book Chapter

Showing results 1 - 11 out of 11

Journal Articles

Showing results 161 - 180 out of 319


Pasparakis, G. D., Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., Fragkoulis, V. C., Kong, F., & Beer, M. (2022). Excitation–response relationships for linear structural systems with singular parameter matrices: A periodized harmonic wavelet perspective. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 169, Article 108701.
Pasparakis, G. D., dos Santos, K. R. M., Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., & Beer, M. (2022). Wind data extrapolation and stochastic field statistics estimation via compressive sampling and low rank matrix recovery methods. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162, Article 107975.
Salomon, J., Behrensdorf, J., Winnewisser, N., Broggi, M., & Beer, M. (2022). Multidimensional resilience decision-making for complex and substructured systems. Resilient Cities and Structures, 1(3), 61-78.
Song, J., Wei, P., Valdebenito, M. A., Faes, M., & Beer, M. (2022). Data-driven and active learning of variance-based sensitivity indices with Bayesian probabilistic integration. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 163, Article 108106.
Wang, Q., Feng, Y., Wu, D., Yang, C., Yu, Y., Li, G., Beer, M., & Gao, W. (2022). Polyphase uncertainty analysis through virtual modelling technique. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162, Article 108013.
Yang, J. S., Chen, J. B., Beer, M., & Jensen, H. (2022). An efficient approach for dynamic-reliability-based topology optimization of braced frame structures with probability density evolution method. Advances in engineering software, 173, Article 103196.
Yang, L., Bi, S., Faes, M. G. R., Broggi, M., & Beer, M. (2022). Bayesian inversion for imprecise probabilistic models using a novel entropy-based uncertainty quantification metric. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162, Article 107954.
Zhang, K., Chen, N., Liu, J., & Beer, M. (2022). A GRU-based ensemble learning method for time-variant uncertain structural response analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 391(391), Article 114516.
Zhang, K., Chen, N., Zeng, P., Liu, J., & Beer, M. (2022). An efficient reliability analysis method for structures with hybrid time-dependent uncertainty. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 228, Article 108794.
Zhang, H., Bittner, M., & Beer, M. (2022). Method to generate artificial earthquake accelerations with time domain enhancement and attenuation characteristics. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 13(3), Article 101606.
Zhang, H., Bittner, M., & Beer, M. (2022). Seismic Response Meta-model of High-Rise Fame Structure Based on Time-Delay Neural Network. KSCE journal of civil engineering, 26(5), 2273-2294.
Zheng, Z., Beer, M., & Nackenhorst, U. (2022). An efficient reduced-order method for stochastic eigenvalue analysis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 123(23), 5884-5906.
Zheng, Z., Beer, M., Dai, H., & Nackenhorst, U. (2022). A weak-intrusive stochastic finite element method for stochastic structural dynamics analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 399, Article 115360.


Bai, Y., Li, Y., Tang, Z., Bittner, M., Broggi, M., & Beer, M. (2021). Seismic collapse fragility of low-rise steel moment frames with mass irregularity based on shaking table test. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 19(6), 2457-2482.
Behrensdorf, J., Regenhardt, T.-E., Broggi, M., & Beer, M. (2021). Numerically efficient computation of the survival signature for the reliability analysis of large networks. Reliability engineering & system safety, 216, Article 107935.
Bi, S., Beer, M., Zhang, J., Yang, L., & He, K. (2021). Optimization or Bayesian Strategy? Performance of the Bhattacharyya Distance in Different Algorithms of Stochastic Model Updating. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 7(2), Article 020903.
Dang, X. C., Wei, P., & Beer, M. (2021). An approach to evaluation of EVD and small failure probabilities of uncertain nonlinear structures under stochastic seismic excitations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 152, Article 107468.
Dang, C., Wei, P., Song, J., & Beer, M. (2021). Estimation of Failure Probability Function under Imprecise Probabilities by Active Learning-Augmented Probabilistic Integration. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 7(4), Article 04021054.
Faes, M. G. R., Valdebenito, M. A., Yuan, X., Wei, P., & Beer, M. (2021). Augmented reliability analysis for estimating imprecise first excursion probabilities in stochastic linear dynamics. Advances in Engineering Software, 155, Article 102993.
Faes, M. G. R., Daub, M., Marelli, S., Patelli, E., & Beer, M. (2021). Engineering analysis with probability boxes: A review on computational methods. Structural Safety, 93, Article 102092.